salcha4u ;D
Sunday, May 25, 2008

Hey Guys
I've got a new way of solving the spacing problem on this blog.
Some of you may have realized that when we post pictures and videos the perimeters always go out of range and overlay some text on our side bar.
Now, I've come up with a way to solve that and make things easier to view and read.
This is a temporary way of solving this problem though.

1) Highlight any word/ phrase/ a number of alphabets (Up to you)
2) Now hold on to the "Ctrl" button on your keyboard.
3) Next, while holding the "ctrl" button, Roll your mouse wheel upwards.
4) You should see this place enlarging.
5) Walla!! You're done!

Everything up-sizes except the videos and pictures. this makes a bigger space for the videos and also make the words more readable.

I am waiting for my friends to be a little more free so he can help us edit this page. We might have a seperate page where all our photos are at, also another for our videos.
We might also have the empty space on the right side of our blog to fit a bar containing our pics and vids too. It depends.

Well, Hope this helps a bit. till next time...


9:24 AM

Saturday, May 24, 2008

10:19 PM

Hey Guys
Practice is on on Sunday from 7pm-9pm.
Location is @ Club Paradise.
Songs practicing on are: Solution, Hosanna.

Please pray up before you come down for practice.
We need God to be with us as we practice.


9:28 AM

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Phew this is my third post tonight and it's 3:21am! I really wanna sleep but i just gotta finish what i wanna say...That is....

TreeStory is recruiting! Yes, we need more people in our band!
We're looking for:
If you think you fit under all those requirements then...!!!

You half way there...hehe!

Well, we're not a very establish band so don't expect mush from us. Rather be ready to be a pioneer for future prospects.

We're trying to combine different genres and write a new type of praise and worship. So be ready for a fresh and interesting encounter with music and lyrics. We'll also try to get opportunities to play during IC zone events or event outside the church in places like, RP (my campus) and some other pubs outside. It depends on our network expansion.

Now, what are our available posts?
  1. Rhythm Guitarist
  2. Keyboard synthesizer
  3. Percussionist (Helping the drummer out) [Closed for consideration]

These are the musicians we need. Please pray before you make a decision. Like i said we need people who are ready to commit, it's gonna be tough. And always be accountable to your leader too. =)

Any inquiries or interests in joining please mail us at our band email:


12:20 PM

We had a lot of fun during the Easter Concert past march. On behalf of TreeStory i would like to thank all who have made this all possible.
It was fun guys, let's work even harder for our year-end concert yea!

12:10 PM

Wassup people! I am so glad and excited to have finished this blog! Finally!! Phew!
Any-who, i just thought that i should give a special thanks to my band mates. Amazing people, been very understanding and patient with me for not finishing this blog on time.
You guys are fantastic man~!

So this is
TreeStory! Weet weet!!
I'm so excited for us all to be in a band together. I believe that we are really gonna use our talents and musical abilities to make God proud and change so many lives in the future to come. Hang in there guys, we'll make it through. =)

So, for anyone of you out there who do not know what "TreeStory" means, allow me to explain to you^^.
As we all know, Jesus was hung on a tree, His crucifixion. Now, we are all told as Christians that we should carry His cross and follow Him.

Now, i didn't want a cliche name like "Cross" or something like that. I wanted something that when people hear it, they won't go "arh, that name... it's gotta be a Christian rock band".

I wanted people to ponder why we have this name. So i thought why not call ourselves TreeStory.
It means, the story of the tree.

I prayed over it, and i honestly thought that this name is gonna be it. I don't think that there will be a name better than this really.

SO, there you are. Background of TreeStory. We're planning to do some covers in weeks to come. So do stay tune. Post us comments and suggestions fi you wish. Or you could always mail us @


9:48 AM

About Us

So, We're TreeStory!!
We're a gospel band
exploring to write a different
genre of music altogether! ^^

We're here to spread God's
message through music!
Penetrating society and
presenting ourselves as
salt and light.

Band Members
(Not in order of any kind):
Elise - Rhythm Guitarist
Ezra - Drummer
HuiShan - Female Vocalist
Maximillian - Male Vocalist
Tommy - Lead Guitarist
Vincent - Bassist


May 2008 l June 2008 l July 2008 l August 2008 l September 2008 l October 2008 l December 2008 l February 2009 l March 2009 l


Our individual blog


Our Affiliates


Shops and Schools

O School
GuitarPraise Blog

My Space Profiles

Ben Deignan
Hillsongs Australia
Hillsongs United
Marie Digby
Mute Critic
SG Drumfest
Sydney Mohede
TrueWorshippers Youth

youtube Profiles

Ashley Tisdale
Chantelle Readman
Christian City Church
Hillsongs United
Hillsongs Sydney
Jeremy "Passion" Manongdo
Jonas Brothers
Linkin Park
Marie Digby
Maximillian Low
Soulja Boy


Coding and Graphic Design by salcha4u.
However, brush credits DO NOT go to me.